SIA launches new counter-terrorism e-learning today

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Sep 10, 2021 5:09 AM

The SIA developed the new training in partnership with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure.

ACT Security is free, specialised training for front line security operatives. The custom-built training provides up-to-date counter-terrorism knowledge to help operatives prepare for and respond to terrorist incidents whilst on duty.

The course will take around 1 hour 15 mins and its flexible delivery will allow the user to pause and save progress. This new ACT Security e-learning course follows a successful pilot in August 2021 that included security businesses and operatives.

Paul Fullwood, Director of Inspections and Enforcement, SIA said:

The security industry plays a vital role in public protection. We’ve been working closely with counter-terrorism experts within the National Counter Terrorism Security Office and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure to develop specialised e-learning for the security industry. ACT Security will provide operatives with greater knowledge and confidence to detect, deter, or disrupt potential terrorist activity. We urge all security operatives to take this free specialised training to enhance their skills to combat the threat of terrorism.

When taken with ACT Awareness e-learning, the new training covers the entire counter-terrorism content for the licence-linked qualifications and top-up training. There are five modules that cover:

the role of a security operative in counter terrorism

current terrorist attack methods

identifying and responding to suspicious activity

incident response planning

responding to a terrorist incident

Security professionals can take the training as follows:

Send an email to with the subject “PIN request for ACT e-learning”. The SIA will reply with a PIN.

Go to the ACT e-learning site.

Enter the PIN sent by the SIA when asked for an access/PIN code.

More information is available on GOV.UK.

Further information:

The Security Industry Authority is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry in the United Kingdom, reporting to the Home Secretary under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. Our main duties are: the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities; and managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme.

For further information about the Security Industry Authority visit The SIA is also on Facebook (Security Industry Authority) and Twitter (SIAuk).

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Sep 10, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow