Partners launch £249 million steelwork and cladding opportunity

Published By GOV.UK [English], Fri, Dec 17, 2021 9:53 AM

The Programme and Project Partners at Sellafield are undertaking a procurement exercise to engage with steelwork and cladding Key Delivery Partners (KDPs) via a £249 million Multi Project Procurement (MPP) process.

Peter Hogg, the Programme and Project Partners head of supply chain, said:

We are keen to hear from potential KDPs to take part in an exciting long-term partnership to design and deliver steelwork and cladding of industrial buildings at the Sellafield site.

This is the latest Multi Project Procurement process to be announced and we are looking forward to hearing from innovative organisations in these fields.

Key Delivery Partners will be expected to deliver 33.3% of their works using small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Programme and Project Partners places a significant emphasis on social impact and requires supply chain partners to make commitments that will create jobs, apprenticeship opportunities and deliver a whole host of social impact initiatives to benefit the local community.

The Programme and Project Partners is made up of 4 lot partners, with Sellafield Ltd as the 5th partner.

Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) (integration partner)

Jacobs (design and engineering partner)

Morgan Sindall Infrastructure (civils construction management partner)

Doosan Babcock (process construction management partner)

They are working together to support the Sellafield site’s 100-year decommissioning programme.

The highly collaborative Programme and Project Partner model has been established to deliver approximately 25 projects, over 20 years, consisting of new build, as well as some upgrade and refurbishment of existing buildings.

This package of work consists of Steelwork – known as KDP2 and external envelope (or cladding) – known as KDP6.

Scope of work

The scope includes all the typical elements of work usually associated with the delivery of steelwork, both structural and other, and the cladding of industrial buildings.

It is intended that the scope includes the following general classifications of work:

Early contractor involvement, final design, temporary works, structural steelwork, steel frames, general steelwork, structural metalwork, general metalwork, metal decking, metal walkways, edge protection, cladding and roofing.

All works to include supply and erect services.

This list is non-exhaustive and maybe subject to change.

The contracts may be divided into 2 Lots, due to the scale of the undertaking.

This exercise forms part of the partners Multi Project Procurement (MPP) programme and will result in the placement of an 18 year framework agreement(s), aligned with the partners long-term objectives.

The procurement programme will start with a period of market engagement that will inform the interested parties of the requirements of this package.

A full strategy paper outlining the procurement approach, commercial model, timeline, and other important information will be available to the interested organisations at the start of the market engagement phase, which runs until 2 February 2022.

As part of this ongoing phase, the Programme and Project Partners will be undertaking the following activities, in advance of issuing any PQQ documentation:

Complete Tender Management portal expression of interest - response deadline (7 January 2022)

Initial supplier briefing – Microsoft Teams briefing to present the package (week commencing 10 Jan 2022) presentation date scheduled for 13 January 2022.

Questions and answers – Sharing of questions and answers following the briefing

Online survey – To gather your organisation’s thoughts on the Programme and Project Partners proposals following the briefing (survey responses due by 19 January 2022) Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) issued (2 February 2022)

Matchmaker process – Promoting the process for SME engagement (ongoing throughout)

Early contractor involvement is seen as one of the Programme and Project Partners key drivers to procure in this way, as it will enable the supply chain to have a long-term influence on the way in which projects are designed and delivered.

The outcomes being projects that are delivered more safely, are better designed (innovative), of a higher quality, whilst being environmentally sympathetic, easier to maintain, and delivered on time and within budget.

The 18-year framework provides an unparalleled opportunity for the partners and supply chain to develop long-term relationships that can grow and adapt organically over time, to create a world class legacy of collaboration and excellence for the design and construction of nuclear facilities.

Expression of Interest

To register interest please email: no later than noon on 7 January 2022

When registering your interest, please provide us with the following information:

company name

key contact (email address and mobile telephone number)

breakdown of annual turnover for the last 3 years

Expression of interest publication

Steelwork and External Envelope (Roofing and Cladding) Works and Services

£249 million in today’s prices, spread over 18 years.

REF: KDP-2 / KDP-6

The Programme Project Partners is a 20-year framework between Sellafield Ltd and the lot partners for major projects at the Sellafield site worth approximately £7 billion, aiming to transform project delivery and leave a lasting legacy through the achievement of the Programme and Project Partners critical success factors.

The lot partners are:

KBR (integration partner)

Jacobs (design and engineering partner)

Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure (civils construction partner)

Doosan Babcock (process construction partner), who have been engaged based on a management contracting procurement model with all construction work to be undertaken by the supply chain.

Detailed information on the Programme and Project Partners can be found here.

Matchmaker Service

The Programme and Project Partners places the involvement of SMEs high in the order of priorities when it comes to undertaking future works at Sellafield.

To ensure this commitment is realised KDPs will be expected to deliver a minimum of 33.3% of their works using SMEs.

To facilitate this requirement the Programme and Project Partners has established the matchmaker service with the aim of encouraging long-term relationships between its KDPs and the supply chain.

Notes for editors:

Sellafield Ltd is the organisation responsible for the safe operation and clean-up of the Sellafield site in Cumbria, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Sellafield is the largest nuclear complex in Western Europe. We deliver a nationally-important mission, ensuring the safety and security of the UK’s nuclear legacy and progressively decommissioning some of the world’s oldest atomic facilities

The site is 2 square miles with over 1,000 buildings. Although the site is effectively being dismantled, it is a hive of construction activity and as old facilities are decommissioned, new ones need to be built to store nuclear waste.

The decommissioning programme will run for over 100 years, so access to all skills, innovation and supply chain is crucial to ensure this is done safely and securely

Multi Project Procurement is the collective name for a number of competitions that the Programme and Project Partners will be running to secure supply chain partners to support the forward plan of work for the partners.

Multi Project Procurements (MPP) are considered to be a pioneering new way working by awarding long term work packages building upon the Sellafield Ltd - Programme and Project Partners model and learning from across the industry.

The MPP model will support the Programme and Project Partners in achieving its critical success factors by encouraging long term collaboration throughout the supply chain and bringing enhanced project delivery and paves the way for greater economic and social impact in the West Cumbria region

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Dec 17, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow