Near miss with track workers at Eccles

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Aug 18, 2021 3:02 AM

At around 04:12 hrs on 22 July 2021, an empty coaching stock train travelling non-stop through Eccles station at 69 mph (111 km/h) was involved in a near miss with two track workers. The staff involved were working from track level, painting white lines on the platform edge, when the near miss occurred. No injuries or damage resulted from the incident.

We have undertaken a preliminary examination into the circumstances surrounding this incident. Having assessed the evidence which has been gathered to date, we have decided to publish a safety digest.

The safety digest will be made available on our website in the next few weeks.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 18, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow