National Highways launches consultation on A46 Walsgrave upgrade

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jan 10, 2022 6:21 AM

The consultation period on the scheme starts on Tuesday 11 January with details about the project being uploaded onto the scheme website for people to look at.

Members of the public are invited to look at the design options with opportinuties to speak to the National Highways project team about the work in a series of online events taking place later this month.

Following detailed analysis of four design options by National Highways at Walsgrave junction, one of these options has been found to deliver the required improvements at Walsgrave.

The vital upgrade work to the junction is set to cost between £75m and £125m with a final cost set to be determined later in the process following detailed design work.

National Highways Project Manager, Joe Mulqueen said:

The viable design option for the Walsgrave junction is incredibly exciting and it’s an important scheme on the A46 in Coventry.

We know that this junction is incredibly busy and once the scheme is complete, it will alleviate congestion at a well-known bottleneck on the A46.

We’re looking forward to speaking to people to find out what comments they have and to hear their feedback.

Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, events will be held online through Microsoft Teams.

These events will take place on:

Thursday 20 January from 6pm to 8pm

Wednesday 26 January from 12pm to 2pm

Saturday 29 January from 11am to 1pm

Meeting invitations will be posted on the National Highways webpage ahead of each session. Those unable to attend the online events can also speak to the project team with a special telephone call back service.

The A46 is a strategic link between the East and West Midlands and connects Coventry and Warwickshire to the motorway network.

The Government’s Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) 2020 - 2025 included a commitment to the A46 Coventry Junctions scheme, which includes upgrading both the Binley and the Walsgrave junctions.

Work is currently taking place at Binley to create a new £61m flyover set for completion in early 2022.

Current levels of congestion at Walsgrave and the impacts this has on journey time reliability, are having a serious effect on communities and businesses and would constrain future development in the area.

Once the consultation has closed on Monday 14 February 2022, responses will be analysed and a consultation report will be produced summarising the feedback received.

National Highways will then consider the feedback, incorporating the comments received where possible, whilst completing further assessment and design work.

The preferred route announcement for the scheme is set to take place in summer this year and will be taken through to the next stage of design development.

To request a call back from the team, people should call 0300 123 5000 to discuss a suitable time to receive a call back from one of the team.

To find out more about the A46 Coventry Junctions project, head online to the scheme page.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the National Highways customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the National Highways press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 10, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow