Making Christmas magic for everyone

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Dec 22, 2021 8:51 AM

Our employees and supply chain have been supporting local charities both in West Cumbria and the Warrington area by donating toys to make sure every local child wakes up with a gift on Christmas Day.

The West Cumbrian charity, Family Action has worked with local councils and charities to distribute gifts to families in need in both the Allerdale and Copeland area.

Kerry Jewell from Family Action, said:

We are overwhelmed with the contribution of gifts and toys from the community. The gifts donated will make a huge difference to children who would have received very little or nothing at all on Christmas morning.

This support is not about a quick fix at Christmas, it’s about finding out what issues families are facing and offering help or referring them to relevant agencies, to make sure they get the support they need.

Sellafield Ltd has also given funding to Family Action to support 50 families in Copeland and Allerdale with gift vouchers for Christmas, and to support 100 families with vegetable hampers and meat vouchers, so that they have fresh food for the Christmas period.

A further grant has also been made to West Cumbria Community Action Trust for their winter support project. This will provide an essential food hamper and Christmas lunch for 30 people and a winter falls prevention hamper for 100 elderly people in our community.

Tracey West, social impact manager, Sellafield Ltd said:

The support towards this appeal has been brilliant, it has been a real team effort. Our Sellafield Ltd Graduate Council has also been supporting it as well as many of our supply chain companies and local stores in our community.

We have worked closely with our local authorities and Family Action to ensure the gifts reach the right people and make a difference on Christmas Day.

Toys collected by our teams in Warrington have been donated to the Neighbourhoods’ in Warrington Christmas Toy appeal, helping to ensure that no child goes without a gift or pyjamas at Christmas.

Last year they were able to give 641 children a present, but this has increased to over 800 children this year.

The toys will be distributed across the town by Warrington Borough Council Neighbourhoods Team.

Toiletries and food are also being donated to local charity Room at the Inn and the Y project, which supports homeless and isolated people in Warrington.

Sellafield Ltd’s interim head of Warrington offices Alan Wharrier said:

The company has a proud tradition of supporting the town’s charities and it’s great that our workforce has supported these appeals.

Mitie has also provided support by collecting and delivering all the donations.

Cllr Tony Higgins, executive lead member, leisure and community at Warrington Borough Council said:

The gifts will make a huge difference to the families we work with and make Christmas extra special for struggling families. The additional support we give these families will hopefully mean they won’t be in the same position next year.

More information on the charities and projects mentioned -

Family Action

Neighbourhoods’ in Warrington Toy Appeal

Room at the Inn and the Y Project

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Dec 22, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow