Government’s Integrated Review drives Dstl’s recruitment campaign

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jun 14, 2021 5:39 AM

The MOD is investing £6 billion in Research and Development over the next 4 years, and includes an additional £1.1 billion specifically for Science and Technology and pull through activities. It is part of the Government’s announcement ‘to sustain strategic advantage through S’ in the recent Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy. This is a significant uplift not just for Dstl, but for industry and academia too.

Minister for Defence Procurement Jeremy Quin said:

Our over £6 billion investment into Research and Development is central to the evolution of Defence and Security. This will ensure MOD Science and Technology programmes upgrade and adapt our forces to meet a range of future threats. The Dstl recruitment campaign paves the way for the next generation of highly-skilled scientists to work on sophisticated projects designing and engineering pioneering military equipment.

Around 300 new positions are to be advertised at Dstl throughout June, July and August, with further positions expected in 2022.

MOD Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Dame Angela McLean FRS stated:

Through this investment, the Government has demonstrated its commitment to UK Science and Technology. This not only benefits recruitment at our Dstl sites but 80% of the investment will be going out to industry and academia to help us deliver key capabilities for UK Defence and Security.

There is a wide range of opportunities available, from Space to Sensing, Cyber and Electronics, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Surveillance (C4S), Data and AI. Dstl is looking for people who are inquisitive and have technical expertise, particularly those who have previously worked in the S field who might never have considered working in Defence and Security before. Roles include project leaders, engineers, scientists, analysts, physicists and technologists.

Dstl’s Interim Chief Executive Doug Umbers, said:

This is great news, not just for science and innovation, but for those wishing to start a career in Defence and Security. The work we do here is like no other and in some cases cannot be done anywhere outside of Defence. Those who join us at Dstl will be a vital part of providing national security at home and abroad.

Case Study: Dstl Careers - Art to engineering

Case Study: Dstl Careers - Meet scientist Louise

Case Study: Dstl Careers - Meet Steve, a Physicist and Group Leader in Platform Systems

Explore and apply for current opportunities at Dstl

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 14, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow