GLD colleagues recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2021

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jun 14, 2021 10:35 AM

We are delighted that 6 GLD colleagues have been awarded in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list​, they are:

Wendy Hardaker, nominated as Director, Commercial Law Group, now interim Director General, who has been awarded a C.B. for services to the law

Gareth Evans C.B.E., Deputy Legal Director, BEIS Legal Team, who has been awarded a C.B for services to the law

Michael Des Tombe, Deputy Legal Director, Cabinet Office, Europe Legal Group, who has been awarded a C.B.E for public service

Samantha Ede, Deputy Legal Director, Home Office Legal Team, who has been awarded a C.B.E for services to the law

Lee John-Charles, Deputy Legal Director, Litigation, who has been awarded a C.B.E for services to the law

Ashok Taylor, HEO Operations, who has been awarded an M.B.E for services to Government, especially during COVID-19

Following the announcement on Friday 11 June, the Communications and Engagement Team have caught up with Lee John-Charles who had this to say on his accolade:

“To be told that I would be receiving an honour was unbelievably humbling, overwhelming and exciting. However, I consider it an even greater honour to have worked with GLD colleagues who have been incredibly supportive and celebrated my achievements through the years, by nominating me for this award. I hope that this honour provides inspiration to those of a similar background and who have faced similar challenges to me, that anything is possible. The smile on my face as I say this right now is evidence of that. Thank you everyone!”

We will be sharing reflections from others awarded throughout the week.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jun 14, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow