Flood scheme team provide a safer place to play for local boy, Quinn

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Aug 26, 2021 6:37 AM

The onsite crew, who are constructing the £40m flood defence scheme at Radcliffe and Redvales, were notified about a child who lived near the scheme and needed a safe place to play, after being born early at 25 weeks.

The team raised money selling football cards and through various other events to buy a swing, a play house, a slide and many other little toys

Kind-hearted staff from BAM Nuttall, the Environment Agency and Bury Council, who are currently constructing a £40m flood defence scheme in the Radcliffe and Redvales area, have brought smiles to one local child’s face this summer.

As part of their regular conversations with the community, the project team were made aware of a little boy, Quinn, who lived near the scheme and needed a helping hand. Quinn, who is two years old, suffers from Dysphasia, Dyspraxia, chronic lung disease, brain legions, autism and several other health problems after being born early, at just 25 weeks.

Deciding he needed a safe place to play, the crew put their heads together and the “Helping Quinn” project was organised. By selling football cards and through other charity events, enough money was raised to buy Quinn a swing, a play house, a slide and many other little toys.

The scheme contractors, BAM Nuttall, installed the play equipment using discount timber provided by Travis Perkins and leftover flags and equipment from the scheme itself. Many of the group donated their own time during weekends and when further scheme construction had to be briefly paused, during rainy spells.

The result is a pleasant and safe environment for Quinn to explore as he grows up.

“Helping Quinn” is not the first community fundraiser the flood scheme team have organised. Every Christmas and Easter, they have arranged toy appeals for local children and donated hundreds of presents, clothes and monetary support to Fortalice who provide assistance for women, children and families affected by domestic abuse.

Quinn’s mother, Kelsie, said:

“Quinn is absolutely ecstatic and I can’t thank the team enough for what they have done for us and Quinn. He’s even started talking better and can say the word “birdy” now that he’s able to play in a safe environment outside, so thanks to everyone.”

Rob Van, Project Manager for the Environment Agency, said:

“One of the main considerations we take into account when designing and building flood schemes, is to create a better place for people and wildlife. We believe that we should be an integral part of the community as it really is at the heart of what we are trying to achieve.

“I am delighted that Quinn is able to enjoy a safe outdoor space and I am proud of our onsite team who are working so hard to reduce flood risk and make a positive difference.”

Steve Hamer of BAM Nuttall said:

“BAM Nuttall take our stay within any community we work within as one of our highest priorities in line with our “Enhancing Lives” campaign, but more so it’s the right thing to do. So when we heard about little Quinn through a family member, we were only too happy to get involved and try to help out in any way we could.

“The guys on site started raising money immediately and the whole team rallied together to ensure we provided Quinn with the safe environment he needed to improve his standard of life and aid his recovery. I’m immensely proud that the BAM Team at Radcliffe & Redvales continue to challenge themselves in this way and others to help out where we can.”

Work on the Radcliffe and Redvales Flood Defence Scheme, which will reduce flood risk to 873 properties once completed, continues to progress. £8 million is due to be invested this year as part of £42.8m of funding into schemes in Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire in 2020/21.

This funding will complete Phase 2, which will see traditional walls and embankments along the River Irwell combined with a new wetland habitat and public amenity area, to further reduce flood risk. The scheme also incorporates work upstream on Holcombe Moor where moorland restoration is helping to reduce the flow of rainwater into the river.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Aug 26, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow