Fan survey launched in latest phase of football governance review

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Jul 8, 2021 8:00 AM

To further bolster this manifesto commitment, the review Chair Tracey Crouch MP has launched a fan engagement survey designed to reach even more fans, allowing them to express their opinions on how they think football should be run.

The new survey will run for two weeks from today, and will allow fans to provide valuable input into how finance, governance, ownership and regulation should be shaped and will feed into the final report to be published in the autumn.

Fans will be able to provide detailed input on whether they think a club is run transparently, who would be best placed to regulate football and how that would work, salary caps and the independence of women’s clubs.

Have your say

All fans are invited to participate in the survey and have their say on the future of football. It will close on Thursday 22 July at 23:59.

Take part in the survey

Engagement sessions continue to take place with fan groups and football organisations from across the country. An interim report will be published by Tracey Crouch in due course, with the final report and recommendations expected in the Autumn.

Further information

Read the terms of reference for the fan-led review of football governance, published on 22 April.

The expert panel supporting Tracey Crouch MP was announced on 21 May, featuring fans, former players and managers, current administrators, representatives of non-league and the women’s game as well as independent members.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 8, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow