Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group launches new Action Plan

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Dec 20, 2021 10:05 AM

The Insolvency Service and R3 Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group has published its Action Plan for 2022.

The Action Plan commits the Steering Group to focus efforts in 2022 into four key areas:

entry into the profession

progression to associate level, and to partner level

taking insolvency qualifications, and

becoming a licence-holder.

The four priority areas aim to help the Steering Group meaningfully boost diversity and inclusion, particularly by helping to build a pipeline of diverse talent in the profession.

The Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group was formed in 2021 by the Insolvency Service and R3. Together their aim is to bring together practitioners within the insolvency profession to discuss, understand, and take action to address barriers to inclusion and diversity within the sector.

The Steering Group conducted a survey of R3’s membership during July 2021. The results have influenced the Action Plan’s priorities and further discussion of the survey is available on the R3 website.

Action Plan 2022

Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group Action Plan 2022

Angela Crossley, Steering Group Chair, said:

I’m very pleased to share our first Action Plan, for 2022.

The Action Plan is a launch pad for taking action as part of this long term project, which wants to ensure the profession is as diverse and inclusive as the wide range of industries and people it works with.

Steering Group members

The Steering Group’s current members are:

Angela Crossley (Chair, The Insolvency Service)

Harold Brako (Addleshaw Goddard)

Aydin Djemal (BHA for Equality)

Jo Hewitt (Alvarez & Marsal)

Yvonne Joyce (Glasgow University)

James Jeffreys (R3)

Caroline Sumner (R3)

Francesca Tackie (Mercury Corporate Recovery Solutions)

The Steering Group also recognises that many Recognised Professional Bodies, insolvency firms, qualification bodies and others within the sector are actively taking forward programmes of work to build and strengthen diversity and inclusion.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Dec 20, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow