Deputy Head of Estates awarded the British Empire Medal

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jan 12, 2022 6:08 AM

Mrs Catherine Spiller, of Newport, has been given the honour for services to the Reserves and Cadets Forces and the community in Monmouth.

Mrs Spiller, 53, joined RFCA for Wales on leaving school nearly 40 years ago.

She said,

RFCA has come a long way since I joined when I was 16 as the office junior. I am so glad that it was later decided that girls could wear trousers instead of skirt and blouse and the silver tray was no longer required to carry the tea!

Over nearly 4 decades, she has risen to her present position and has stepped in numerous times to deliver change over the past 15 years when there was no department head.

Mrs Spiller says she enjoys her work and has lost none of her enthusiasm over the years.

During the first lockdown, she worked to improve the Army Reserve and Cadet Training Centre accommodation for use by the servicemen and women who were aiding during the pandemic – all from her dining room table.

However, she was keen to play down her role, saying:

It was a bit of a strange time as it was for everybody across the country. I just had to get on with it really.

Despite her exemplary work, Mrs Spiller was shocked to hear she was receiving the BEM, saying,

I was surprised to be honest, but I’m delighted. It’s such an honour and I am very proud to receive it.

Chief Executive of RFCA for Wales, Colonel Dominic Morgan OBE said,

Huge congratulations to Cath on her award. It’s a richly deserved recognition of her many years of service to the Reserves and Cadet Forces in Wales. Well done from everyone at RFCA for Wales!

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 12, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow