Data maturity model: user needs

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jul 28, 2021 7:34 AM

The Government Data Quality Hub is working on a project with the Data Standards Authority to develop a data maturity model for government. We are carrying out some user research with colleagues across government to ensure that the model we develop can be understood by those using it, and drives the improvements required.

What is a data maturity model?

Data maturity models are tools used to assess an organisation’s level of data capability and to highlight areas where progress can be made. More information about this project and maturity models can be found in the Government Data Quality Framework.

What do we want to know?

We want to hear what your key considerations are in the development of this model. That includes:

what challenges you have with establishing and improving data management and capability

what we should include in the output of assessments, both in terms of content and format

who is best placed to assess how well your organisation currently manages data

We will run a series of workshops and focus groups to better understand these points. We anticipate these will be 60 to 90 minutes long and will take place during August.

Who do we need?

We want to hear from as many people as possible. We particularly want to hear from people in the following roles.

Data leads in departments

People responsible for parts of the data ecosystem (for example, data governance, ethics or security) who will use the maturity model to measure the status of and prioritise their work.

Senior leaders

People responsible for making decisions on the strategic direction of organisations. You might not consider yourself to be a “data person”, but you want to ensure the strategic decisions you make improve the way your organisation manages data. This will support your organisation to get greater value from the data you produce, and greater return on investment of your data initiatives.

Technical experts

You will be the people who are working directly with the data and will be able to answer questions about how data management is conducted in the organisation. You may already have a good view of the successes and challenges but are not able to get enough of a view across the system to make the improvements you need.

Take part in our research

If you feel you identify with any of these groups, or would like to find out more about the project, please email with your name, role, and your interest in this work. We will then follow up with you to arrange a time for discussion.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 28, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow