CNC Jobs website gets new look

Published By GOV.UK [English], Wed, Jan 12, 2022 10:19 AM

The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) launches a revamped recruitment website today (12/1), which gives people interested in joining us even more insight into what a career at the CNC can offer.

The CNC Jobs website highlights the wide range of career opportunities available within the CNC – an armed, national, infrastructure police force and one of the most unique in the UK. It also provides applicants important information and advice about entry requirements and enables them to apply for roles in the CNC across the UK.

Dani Whiting, from the CNC recruitment team, said: “Our jobs website was launched a few years ago now and it was time for a refresh. People are the most important part of our organisation and we need to ensure we are recruiting the right people to help us deliver our nationally vital Mission to protect critical national infrastructure.

““The website allows people thinking about joining the police a chance to explore what we can offer them, and what we need from them. You can find out more about our Values, Mission and Ambition; the locations we work from; and what the roles we offer entail, hearing from people who work at the Constabulary currently in a wide variety of roles.

“We are always on the look-out for talented people who want to make a contribution to keeping the country safe. If you think this could be you, have a look at the website and find out more about us.”

The CNC has 1,600 officers and staff and is responsible for protecting civil nuclear facilities in the UK and nuclear material in transit. All of the CNCs frontline police constables and sergeants are armed.

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jan 12, 2022. For more information subscribe and follow