CMA letter to Lloyds Banking Group about a breach of the PPI Order

Published By GOV.UK [English], Thu, Sep 9, 2021 5:04 AM

One of the measures introduced in the Payment Protection Insurance Market Investigation Order 2011 (the Order) was that all customers would receive Annual Review statements from their provider setting out information about the PPI policy.

LBG breached the PPI Order by failing to include the monthly PPI benefit value figures in PPI Annual Reviews relating to some of its AXA (TSB) Mortgagesure PPI policies. LBG identified 41 customers were impacted in 2020 and 26 of those customers were also impacted in 2019. LBG has sent apology letters to affected customers and offering refunds of premiums.

This is not the first time LBG has breached the Order.

Find out more about previous breaches and the CMA’s enforcement action:

CMA letter to Lloyds Banking Group about 3 breaches of the PPI Order

CMA letter to Lloyds about 18 breaches of the PPI Order

Payment Protection Insurance Order: Directions to Lloyds Banking Group

CMA letter to LBG on its non-compliance with the PPI Order

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Sep 9, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow