Chief Constable presents CNCs Equality, Diversity and Inclusion awards

Published By GOV.UK [English], Mon, Jul 12, 2021 4:11 AM

Certificates of recognition were handed out to acknowledge work including:

Supporting the mental health wellness of CNC employees, including the introduction of reasonable adjustments and Workplace Adjustment Passports

Increasing understanding and support for those going through the menopause through the Menopause Action Group

Initiatives such as introducing an effective and successful Workforce Diversity Programme that is generating tangible results

As well as six individual category winners, the Chief Constable also awarded a joint overall winner of the EDI awards 2021 in recognition of their continuous outstanding contributions to promote Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) across the CNC.

PC Alex Kioko, based at Sellafield, and Supt Keith McCarthy, Operational Unit Commander at Dounreay, were given the joint award by CC Chesterman in recognition of the work they have done as Custodian and Strategic Ally respectively of the Multi-Ethnic Support Network. The Network has been created to support officers and staff, as well as educate and inform our friends and colleagues.

Chief Constable Chesterman said: “We all have a responsibility to ensure the CNC is a place where everyone feels safe and valued, regardless of their backgrounds. We must never be complacent as creating this environment requires good people to step up. This is why I was delighted to present these awards and hear about what the recipients have been doing to deliver one of our core values, inclusivity.”

PC Alex Kioko, joint winner of the EDI overall award, said: “As custodian of the Multi-Ethnic Support Network it has been a pleasure to offer support and advice to my colleagues and ensure that the CNC is an inclusive and supportive place to work. Having my efforts recognised by the Chief and my colleagues was an honour and I look forward to continuing my efforts with the MESN.”

Press release distributed by Media Pigeon on behalf of GOV.UK, on Jul 12, 2021. For more information subscribe and follow